Carretas, 14 5º G3
28012 Madrid
tel (+34) 91 5223302
fax (+34) 91 5221776
TECTUM INGENIERÍA is a structural engineering and architectural company specialized in developing projects, reports and construction site management related to:
- civil and steel works
- industrial buildings and structures
- multi-story buildings
- city, territory and enviromental plannings
TECTUM INGENIERÍA has been involved in several R+D+I programmes related to industrialization in the building industry; and maintains constant activity in the development, elaboration and dissemination of computer applications and publications based on steel structures.
civil engineer & architect
industrial engineer
agricultural engineer
agricultural engineer
forest engineer
bussines & administration
General manager:
Constantino Hurtado Mingo
Project managers
Fidel Fernández Pascual
Manuel Asensio Mingo
L.Alberto Tejeda Miguel
Diego Hurtado Mingo
Elena Prieto Palacios
Antonio Fernández Caro
Financial management and administration
Mª Aránzazu Hurtado Mingo