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Carretas, 14   5º G3 ​

28012  Madrid

tel   (+34) 91 5223302

fax  (+34) 91 5221776

TECTUM INGENIERÍA is a structural engineering and architectural company specialized in developing projects, reports and construction site management related to:

               - civil and steel works 

               - industrial buildings and structures

               - multi-story buildings

               - city, territory and enviromental plannings

TECTUM INGENIERÍA has been involved in several R+D+I programmes related to industrialization in the building industry; and maintains constant activity in the development, elaboration and dissemination of computer applications and publications based on steel structures.

civil engineer & architect

industrial engineer

agricultural engineer

agricultural engineer

forest engineer



bussines & administration

​General manager:

                         Constantino Hurtado Mingo              


Project managers

                         Fidel Fernández Pascual               

                         Manuel Asensio Mingo          ​                 ​

                         L.Alberto Tejeda Miguel                       

                         Diego Hurtado Mingo                              

                         Elena Prieto Palacios                           ​

                         Antonio Fernández Caro              

Financial management and administration

                         Mª Aránzazu Hurtado Mingo

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